Equipment Service Association


ESA Membership Categories:

The ESA has different membership categories depending on what your role is in the Fluid Power Service Industry. We’ve broken it down into five different membership categories; Active, Supporting, Associate, Honorary, and Foreign members.


Active Members are persons, firms or corporations having an established business in the United States, Canada or Mexico substantially engaged in rebuilding hydraulic jacks, equipment or kindred lines. Active Members in good standing are entitled to vote.

ESA Active Membership

ESA Active membership categories and benefits

Supporting Members are persons, firms or corporations supplying products and/or services to Active members. Supporting Members in good standing may attend ESA Conventions and Meetings, and may serve on regular standing committees provided the committee membership is composed of at least two-thirds Active members. Supporting members, within their closed session, may elect one of their body to be a representative to the ESA Board of Directors; Supporting Members are entitled to one vote toward this representative. Supporting Members are not eligible for elective offices and shall have no vote in general association matters.

ESA supporting membership

ESA Supporting membership categories and benefits

Associate Members are individuals employed by a firm or corporation that currently has an Active member in good standing. They get no vote unless the Active Member relinquishes their vote to the Associate Member.

Honorary Members are individuals who have rendered outstanding conspicuous and honorable service to this Association as designated by the ESA Board of Directors. Honorary Members are not eligible to vote.

Foreign Members are individuals, partnerships, or corporations who meet the eligibility requirements of Active or Supporting members but who reside outside the continental United States, Canada or Mexico. Foreign members are not eligible to vote.